Wednesday, July 20, 2011


This is a blog. It is a blog, or it will be. And when it becomes a blog, which it will soon enough, it will be a blog about Psychology. And Counseling. Counseling and Psychology, and the various theories, techniques, innuendos and insider mojo that make up the field.

I'll be talking about Freud in this blog. And Jung too. Adler, perhaps. Maybe even Fritz Perls and Carl Rogers if I make it that far.

But mostly, since this is a blog, and the attention span of its reader will average approximately 3.7 seconds (did you know that 86% of statistics are made up on the spot?), I will keep it short and snappy, and tell you what I happen to think about Freud and Jung and Adler perhaps and maybe even Fritz Perls and Carl Rogers if I make it that far.

In essence, this blog will track my progress through the wilds of a Master's in Mental Health Counseling at Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon, my new hometown. Along the way we'll likely encounter some good ideas and some bad ones, and I'll likely get excited about some things and annoyed at others.

You, my faithful readers, who will number perhaps even eleven including my mom once I've built my empire, will enjoy exclusive access to this process, this progress, yes, I will say it: this journey.

Bon Voyage. And Bon Chance.


  1. Craig-san! Wonderful. A blog! THE blog. Bloggerific. Ashland! Thats even MORE wonderful - i'll likely be passing through there, sometime in the near future (that is, sometime this calendar year). Merci beaucoup, and good to see you in the blogosphere. - naomi

  2. very thorough in your comments on Freud and Jung and Adler perhaps and maybe even Fritz Perls and Carl Rogers, if you make it that far. love.

  3. Ahh, that is what you are up to in theses days.
    good luck with your new adventure!

  4. Herr Hase, I eagerly look forward to reading your upcoming "Perls" of wisdom...

  5. Nice Todd Snider reference. I'm particularly drawn to your perverse overuse of the word "blog". The irony makes me giddy. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about the theories of dead people.

  6. I know what a blog is, but I'm not sure what you mean by "psychology" - I hope you'll do a bloglossary - standing by for further input...

  7. @Naomi: Hey! Definitely drop a line when you're on your way through Ashland. We have a guest room waiting for you . . .
